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Providing Free and Reduced Cost Dental Services in Elementary Schools
The MN School Sealant Program and their team of "tooth fairies" were nothing short of amazing. They do nearly all the work for you before the team comes to the school, then all you have to do is send out consent forms. Parents even have the option to fill out forms online. At our school they dealt with students who were very nervous or tearful and they put all of them at ease within minutes. It is very clear they are in this for the well being of the children. I would highly recommend this program for every school.
-Cassandra DeLung, RN, Hill City/Northland Community School Nurse
Garfield Elementary School participated in the School Sealant Program this fall, and it was amazing! This program allowed several students in our school who have dental needs to receive both a fluoride treatment and dental sealants during the school day. The program is very user friendly for schools to use and families who were interested signed up online.
- Jodi Kennedy, Garfield Principal
This year Cuyuna Range Elementary School participated in the Minnesota School Sealant Program. They came into the school and provided dental cleaning, sealant and varnish to many 2nd and 3rd grade students. This was a great experience for staff and students, because the staff was very friendly and easy to work with, even taking time to do a short presentation about oral health to the class. It was also extremely convenient for many families, as parents did not need to take time off of work for the student to receive these great services. We at CRES look forward to working with them again in the years to come.
- The Health Office Staff at Cuyuna Range Elementary School
What an enjoyable day we had when the Sebeka School participated in the MN School Sealant Program. The planning process including parent notification and getting consent from parents was relatively easy and uncomplicated. Students were welcomed and made comfortable by the "tooth fairies" and overall a great success!
-Janet Mattson, School Nurse, Sebeka School

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